You have two options for editing your profile within MyOmegaFi:
- click on your name; OR
- click on "Edit My Profile".
Below are the items you can add, edit, or delete in your MyOmegaFi profile:
- Profile Pictures
- A Casual or Formal picture can be added
- Personal Information
- Legal/Informal Name
- Parents' Name
- Travel Visa Number
- Date of College Entry
- Date of Birth
- Graduation Year
- Personal Relationships
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- E-Mail Addresses
- Career History
- Social Networks
- You can link/unlink social networks you are a part of at any time
- Resume
- You can add your resume and update it when needed, so it's in one place for you.
Below are the items you can view on your profile:
- Contracts & Agreements
- Purchased Items